(Plus setting Generic Software to Generic Hardware where available even if it's commented out here, ha ha.) (Just some more for cache, it doesn't totally eliminate texture streaming/pop-in but the other settings here whatever they do might allow it to minimize the effect further.) (Max quality mode tends to cause bugs for me so I left it alone, no doubt OpenGL and D3D11 are also not working correctly so I left those as well, shadows I usually set at 2048 but they were already that by default, FXAA is disabled and FPS is uncapped although a 120 cap or similar likely works just fine, MSAA was re-activated for D3D9 but I also use SMAA so while the screens I've taken look like it's working it might just be the SMAA effect, adaptive-AA is also on via CCC and motion blur doesn't seem to have changed anything at all.) (I removed the others but I also replaced the actual video files with blanks.) Those just enable chat Beta, I've tried that already and every command entered becomes "say." such as "Say: HideHUD" or "Say: Behindview" and so on unfortunately.ĭid some other tweaks though but nothing major, might have worked but some are likely rather unnoticeable. Do this by adding following line (just below the "ConsoleKey=" line): You might also want to enable the "single line console command window" (useful when turning off the HUD and taking screenshots). This will use the Tilde '~' key (the key above the Tab key and to the left of the 1 key on QWERTY keyboards) to pull down the console window so that you can enter console commands. Find the "" section and add the following line right after it: In that folder you will see a "DefaultInput.ini" file, open that file in a text editor (like Notepad). Open Windows Explorer and browse to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config" folder. Run the game at least once, create a character in the game, exit and save your game, then exit the game from the main menu.

To enable the command console window in the game, you will need to edit the DefaultInput.ini file used by the game.

Here's how to enable the console on the PC version of the game and some console commands that you can use: